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"A chance to gain training advice from those in the know"

An interactive, employer-designed construction roadshow is coming to Deganwy, North Wales.

Hosted by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), the roadshow offers businesses a chance to network with peers and discuss opportunities for their communities.

 CITB’s Deganwy Employer Roadshow will include:

  • A discussion on how to attract more people in to construction
  • Inspiring stories of how local employers benefited from CITB funding
  • ‘Decarbonising every home in Wales: scale and skills’ - a presentation by Christian Jofeh, Chair of the Welsh Government advisory group on the decarbonisation of homes.

Commenting on the Roadshow CITB Partnerships Manager Claire Williams said: “This is a great opportunity for construction employers to network and gain skills and training advice from those in the know.

“At the Roadshow employers can find out about new business opportunities that will benefit the community and how to make the most of grants and funding. I hope employers can come along and get to know the CITB team, we’re here to help local construction businesses thrive.”

The event will feature market place stands from a range of organisations including Mind Cymru; Business Wales and the Supply Chain School.

The Employer Roadshow takes place at Quay Hotel, Deganwy Marina, North Wales LL31 9DJ from 8.30am – 12.30pm on Wednesday October 23. Registration is free. For more please contact Claire Williams: 

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