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Audio toolkit
Support Go Construct with audio content
Audio clips are a useful way for us to share real-life construction stories on Go Construct. Find out how you can record sound bites for us to use online, to help us engage more people with the construction and built environment industry.
You can either connect with us directly on social media or email recordings to using ‘Go Construct content’ as the subject line. For large files, or to send multiple recordings, consider using WeTransfer to send them over.
Share your stories and opportunities
You can help to create audio recordings for Go Construct in lots of ways.
Record short sound bites from employees about why they love their job. Take a look at our suggested interview questions to get you started
Conduct longer interviews discussing ways to enter the industry or in-depth topics from a range of speakers
Collect audio quotes from apprentices, career changers, traditionally under-represented groups, people who have been in the industry for years, and more.
Help and resources
We’ve created some guides to help you share audio recordings with Go Construct.
Tips on how to record audio (PDF, 2MB)
Suggested interview questions (PDF, 913KB)
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