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Proses gofrestru ar gyfer cyflogwyr adeiladu 

Cwblhewch y ffurflen hon dim ond os credwch fod eich busnes yn ymwneud yn gyfan gwbl neu'n bennaf â gweithgareddau'r diwydiant adeiladu, ac rydych yn gyflogwr PAYE a/neu'n is-gontractwyr.

  • Darganfyddwch a ydych yn cynnal gweithgareddau sy'n ymwneud ag adeiladu
  • Darganfyddwch a ydych yn cynnal gweithgareddau nad ydynt yn ymwneud ag adeiladu

Cwblhewch y ffurflen hon i gofrestru eich busnes gyda CITB

*yn dynodi maes gorfodol

Please note: This form should only be completed by someone employed by the business with authorisation to do so. It should not be completed by a third party.

Section 1 - Business name and contact details

Section 2 - Business details

Section 3 - Business activities

Section 4 - About your workforce

This should include your entire workforce. If you are a sole trader or partnership, please do not include the proprietor or business partners

Section 5 - Membership of employers associations or federations


I declare that:

  • • The information provided on this form is correct and complete; and
  • • I am the owner/partner of the business or employed by the business and have authorisation to complete this form.

(see Useful links below for Terms and Conditions)

(see Useful links below to log in or sign up to CITB online)

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