Contextualised curriculum toolkit (commission)
Careers and recruitment, Learning resources
Bouygues UK
University of Wales Trinity Saint David, CWIC, Kier Construction, Careers Wales, CIOB, Tidal Lagoon
Commercial, Housing, Infrastructure, Specialist
Commission: Construction contextualised curriculum to improve the appeal of working in construction. The aim of the project is to develop a pan Wales construction curriculum resource that facilitates and standardises an end to end offer, which is currently only undertaken by construction companies on an ad hoc basis.
The project will support teachers and careers advisors to contextualise the curriculum by developing curriculum support and guidance and will produce resources to support C&BE Welsh Baccalaureate challenges.
- Establish needs, wants and barriers which teachers face when providing innovative STEM resources
- Develop and pilot resources for 1 academic year
- Publish on Go Construct.
31 May 2017
31 May 2020
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