Think differently
Changing industry culture, Digital and new technology, Learning resources, Careers and recruitment, New qualifications and courses, Small employer support
Mitie Property Services
Remploy; Geeson; Altrincham; ASC Scaffolding; Graham Roofing; JR Scaffolding’ Mitie Tilley Roofing
Scotland and England
Commercial, Housing, Infrastructure, Specialist
The project will support 60 disabled adults across Scotland and England into employment in the construction industry through a programme of mentoring, structured training and work experience programme
- 60 work placements for individuals with high functioning autism or other disabilities
- Disability and behavioural change workshops to 180 employees from 20 companies
- Publish a toolkit, guiding employers throughout the process of employing a candidate with a learning difficulty
- Support 20 candidates into sustainable employment
01 Jul 2016
31 Dec 2020
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