World class skills for off-site construction (improving skills for off-site construction)
Productivity and new ways of working, Digital and new technology, Learning resources, New qualifications and courses
Manufacturing Technology Centre
Offsite Management School; National Open College Network; Laing O’Rourke
Great Britain
The project will develop targeted, innovative, quality-assured training that delivers standardised skills and knowledge for off-site manufacturing and assembly in construction. It will use a range of blended learning solutions that draw from and build upon existing content.
Resources will be made freely available on the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) platform along with the skills diagnostic tool and trainer upskilling resources, underpinned by SCSS learner management systems.
After the project MTC will achieve scalability of the developed materials through the networks within partners National Open College Network (NOCN) and Supply Chain School NOCN will disseminate through its network of 600 providers, quality assure the materials and commit to maintaining them for at least two years after the project. Industry training materials on offsite will be freely available through the Supply Chain School website.
- 28 modules in off-site design, manufacture, logistics and assembly
- An online diagnostic will be developed that identifies skills gaps and targets learning
- Tested and piloted with 180 trainers and learners
- 60 trainers upskilled as part of the project.
01 Apr 2019
07 May 2019
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